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- Outros exemplos (sem tradução): The game was shocking. I was shocked with the game. This movie is amazing! I was amazed with the movie. Agora, se quiser treinar...830 byte (121 palavras) - 03h36min de 21 de fevereiro de 2013
- challenging this thesis, or perhaps expressing surprised interest) He was the best in the class, wasn't he? (falling: the speaker holds this opinion) Be...6 kB (970 palavras) - 02h06min de 11 de novembro de 2018
- information. (mais) I am so tired I can hardly walk. (dificilmente) I was indeed very glad to hear the news. (realmente) It was just here that the accident happened...3 kB (409 palavras) - 13h48min de 22 de abril de 2014
- infrastructure as well. Storm was developed specially to tackle the problem of processing such streams. In this context, the amount of messages may vary...16 kB (2 246 palavras) - 18h42min de 23 de setembro de 2013
- Inglês/Imprimir (secção This e that)challenging this thesis, or perhaps expressing surprised interest) He was the best in the class, wasn't he? (falling: the speaker holds this opinion) Be...51 byte (22 187 palavras) - 17h51min de 26 de julho de 2016
- the opposite of ...? What’s the past tense of ...? What does this word mean? (significa) I don’t understand. I don’t known. I don’t remember. Is this...3 kB (279 palavras) - 20h23min de 2 de agosto de 2017
- early, for she was very tired. Vera foi para cama cedo, pois estava muito cansada. e) Resultado, conseqüência – SO: por isso, portanto · The restaurants...15 kB (2 324 palavras) - 10h06min de 12 de julho de 2016
- and therefore as a noun, this form can inflect just like any other noun. This is a fairly rare form which has the meaning 'on the point of / just...29 kB (2 662 palavras) - 13h26min de 12 de março de 2024
- letter was bellow the pointer when we click on a TextNode? o 16.1 A: Use the TextAssembler class like this: Q: What is the .pz files I am seeing the samples...11 kB (1 935 palavras) - 12h39min de 25 de janeiro de 2011
- Exemplos: Did I stop here yesterday? Eu parei aqui ontem? Was he a painter five years ago? Ele era pintor cinco anos atrás? What did she buy at the mall? O...6 kB (624 palavras) - 02h40min de 25 de abril de 2019
- Aplicativos em PHP/Trabalhando em PHP com/Arquivos (secção Trechos do Tutorial - The right way to read files with PHP da IBM)claim authorship of this code. * * This code was submitted to our website by a user. * * The user may or may not claim authorship of this code. * * If there...26 kB (3 206 palavras) - 15h10min de 27 de fevereiro de 2022
- object of this type exists. // Also referred to as the "singleton" pattern. #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Egg { static Egg e; int i; Egg(int...49 kB (5 633 palavras) - 12h07min de 23 de julho de 2018
- (eles, elas). I was = eu fui // eu era you were = tu foste, você foi // tu eras he was = ele foi // ele era she was = ela foi // ela era it was = ele foi...51 byte (5 865 palavras) - 23h42min de 26 de novembro de 2012
- -- // This is a single line Javascript comment document.write("I have comments in my Javascript code!"); //document.write("You can't see this!"); //-->...19 kB (2 271 palavras) - 21h05min de 24 de janeiro de 2011
- verbose rc_status -v ;; try-restart) ## Stop the service and if this succeeds (i.e. the ## service was running before), start it again. $0 status >/dev/null...24 kB (3 864 palavras) - 08h59min de 10 de outubro de 2012
- of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at # # This file incorporates work covered by the following...63 kB (8 121 palavras) - 19h57min de 18 de fevereiro de 2020
- /dev/hda): # fdisk /dev/hda The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 2482. There is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could...59 kB (7 771 palavras) - 12h09min de 23 de julho de 2018
- setup file for 9-pin Epson (or compatible) printers # # This file is in the public domain. # # This file has been automatically adapted to your system. #...150 byte (120 605 palavras) - 21h59min de 24 de janeiro de 2011