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Basic Vocabulary

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Vocabulário Básico

Leia atentamente as sentenças abaixo. Depois, tente memorizar as palavras destacadas em negrito, e também a sua tradução, porque elas ocorrem com muita frequência nos textos da língua inglesa.

  1. She arrived just after breakfast. (depois)
  2. Let’s do it, I may never have the chance again. (novamente)
  3. In New York City, you can buy almost anything. (quase)
  4. I’ve had coffee already, thank you. ()
  5. His first wife was also called Mary. (também)
  6. I’m not always at home on Saturday. (sempre)
  7. We arrive just' before two o’clock. (antes)
  8. He had words of encouragement for each one of us. (cada)
  9. There is enough food for everybody. (suficiente)
  10. We’ve covered the entire wall with postcards. (toda)
  11. She liked him even when she was quarrelling with him. (mesmo)
  12. Have you ever been up in a balloon? (já)
  13. I have read every book on that shelf. (todos)
  14. This is a fairly easy book. (razoavelmente)
  15. We didn’t go far. (longe)
  16. This is far better. (muito)
  17. We can’t go any further without a rest. (mais longe)
  18. We must get further information. (mais)
  19. I am so tired I can hardly walk. (dificilmente)
  20. I was indeed very glad to hear the news. (realmente)
  21. It was just here that the accident happened. (exatamente)
  22. He drank at least half a bottle of milk. (pelo menos)
  23. What are the main reasons for going to University? (principais)
  24. He used to spend most of his time in the library. (a maior parte)
  25. None of these suggestions is very helpful. (nenhuma)
  26. She didn’t write very often. (frequentemente)
  27. Only the teachers are allowed to use this room. (apenas)
  28. I could save quite a lot of money. (realmente)
  29. I’m rather tired after our trip. (muito)
  30. We have lived in the same house for fifty years. (mesma)
  31. She seldom goes out. (raramente)
  32. I’ve read it several times. (várias)
  33. There are some children outside. (algumas)
  34. We shall soon be home. (logo)
  35. Will he still be here when I get back? (ainda)
  36. He has treated you badly. Still, he’s your brother and you ought to help him. (contudo)
  37. I don’t believe in magic, there is no such thing. (tal)
  38. He wrote from morning till night. (até)
  39. Don’t leave it in too warm a place. (demais)
  40. Women did not gain the vote until after the First World War. (até)
  41. They’re the best in the whole world. (inteiro)
  42. Have you had your lunch yet? ()
  43. Everything around him was blow to pieces, yet the minister escaped without a scratch. (contudo)