Help in Spanish Wikisource

Editado por outro utilizador.
Última edição: 08h09min de 17 de agosto de 2016


I've noticed you added the template to another template which is used in a lot of pages.

Do you want to enable the script in all pages of "Pagina" namespace? Any other namespaces?

If so, it will be better to set selection_mode: 'OR', and then list on "ns_list" only the namespaces where the script should be enabled for all pages. This would still allow the script to be used in specific pages of namespaces outside that list. This is (partially) documented on s:Usuá

Helder17h55min de 20 de janeiro de 2011
Editado por outro utilizador.
Última edição: 08h09min de 17 de agosto de 2016

Thanks a lot!!!!

Don't worry about the typo. It made me think a bit ;) "Páj" works fine now... I guess it was just a caché problem.

I created an special template to make it easier to use "no-convert". It works fine!

And finally... I don't think we will use it in all pages of the namespace Página; or at least, we should discuss it as a community. I use it DatosCL because it is related to a project of the Library of the Chilean Congress and all pages are under old ortography rules, so I'm sure we are using it right. But anyway, thanks for the advice. And again, thanks a lot for everything!!! --B1mbo (Discussão) 23h42min de 20 de Janeiro de 2011 (UTC)

B1mbo (Discussão)23h42min de 20 de janeiro de 2011