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Inglês/Curso/Básico/Lição 1/Vocabulário

Origem: Wikilivros, livros abertos por um mundo aberto.

Os links "(listen)" ao lado das palavras significam "(escute)". São links para arquivos sonoros nos quais as palavras são pronunciadas.

Cumprimentos e despedidas/Greetings and Goodbyes

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  • Hello! ("Olá!")
  • Hi! ("Oi!")
  • Good morning. ("Bom dia.")
  • Good afternoon. ("Boa tarde.")
  • Good evening. ("Boa noite.", como cumprimento, não muito tarde)
  • Good night. ("Boa Noite.", mais tarde, como despedida ou antes de dormir)
  • Bye.; Bye, bye.; Good-bye.; See you.; So long. ("Tchau."; "Até logo.")


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Colour Name
White (listen)
Black (listen)
Grey / Gray (listen)
Yellow (listen)
Red (listen)
Green (listen)
Blue (listen)
Violet (listen)
Brown (listen)
Pink (listen)
Orange (listen)
  • Nota: Em inglês britânico escreve-se "colour" e "grey", e em inglês americano "color" e "gray".
A Wikipedia anglófona tem uma lista mais abrangente de cores.


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Algarismo Nome Nomes alternativos*
0 Zero (listen) none, null, oh
1 One (listen) ace, single, singleton, unary, unit, unity
2 Two (listen) deuce, double, doubleton, duad, duet, duo, pair, twain, twosome
3 Three (listen) deuce-ace, leash, tercet, ternary, ternion, terzetto, threesome, tierce, trey, triad, trine, trinity, trio, triplet, troika
4 Four (listen) foursome, quadruplet, quatern, quaternary, quaternion, quaternity, quartet, tetrad
5 Five (listen) cinque, fin, fivesome, pentad, quint, quintet, quintuplet
6 Six (listen) half dozen, hexad, sestet, sextet, sextuplet, sise
7 Seven (listen) heptad, septet, septuplet
8 Eight (listen) octad, octet, octonary, octuplet, ogdoad
9 Nine (listen) ennead
10 Ten decade
11 Eleven (listen)
12 Twelve dozen
13 Thirteen baker's dozen, long dozen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty (listen) score
21 Twenty-one
22 Twenty-two
23 Twenty-three
24 Twenty-four two dozen
25 Twenty-five
26 Twenty-six
27 Twenty-seven
28 Twenty-eight
29 Twenty-nine
30 Thirty
31 Thirty-one
40 Forty
50 Fifty Half - century
60 Sixty shock
70 Seventy three-score and ten
80 Eighty
87 Eighty-seven four-score and seven
90 Ninety
100 One hundred centred, century, ton, short hundred
101 One hundred [and] one
110 One hundred [and] ten
111 One hundred [and] eleven
120 One hundred [and] twenty long hundred, great hundred, (obsoleto) hundred
121 One hundred [and] twenty-one
144 One hundred [and] forty-four Gross (unidade), dozen dozen, small gross
200 Two hundred
300 Three hundred
1 000 One thousand chiliad, grand, thou, yard, kilo (geralmente abreviado para K)
1 001 One thousand [and] one
1 010 One thousand [and] ten
1 011 One thousand [and] eleven
1 100 One thousand one hundred
1 101 One thousand one hundred [and] one
1 728 One thousand seven hundred [and] twenty-eight great gross, long gross, dozen gross
2 000 Two thousand
10 000 Ten thousand myriad
100 000 One hundred thousand lakh
1 000 000 One million meg, mil, (geralmente abreviado para M)
10 000 000 Ten million crore
    • Nota: Cada nome alternativo é usado em uma situação específica. Por exemplo, "oh" é dito em vez de "zero" quando falamos algo dígito por dígito, como em número de telefone, CEP, etc. "Ace" é a carta de baralho "ás", que corresponde ao número 1.

Figuras geométricas/Geometric Shapes

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Circle (listen): It's a white circle with black perimeter.

Circle: It's a colourful circle.

Square: It's a white square with black sides.

Triangle: It's an equilateral triangle.

Triangolo-Rettangolo.pngTriangle: It's a right triangle.

Rectangle: It's a four per five rectangle.

Pentagon: Any pentagon has five sides.
Hexagon: Any hexagon has six sides.
Cube or Hexaedron: It's a green cube.
Cube or Hexaedron: It's a yellow cube.
Sphere: It's a sphere.

Objetos simples/Simple Objects

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Chair: It's a wooden chair. Table: It's a wooden table.