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Experiência religiosa/Referências

Origem: Wikilivros, livros abertos por um mundo aberto.
  • 1. ↑ "'Nature Magazine Book Review - The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired Into Our Genes" Nature Magazine
  • 2. ↑ "'Is God in Our Genes?" Time Magazine
  • 3. ↑ Vivianne Crowley, "Jung: A Journey of Transformation:Exploring His Life and Experiencing His Ideas" (2000)
  • 4. ↑ "'Divining the brain" (URL accessed on September 20, 2006)
  • 5. ↑ "'Exploring the biology of religious experience" NRC online
  • 6. ↑ "'The Emotional Effects of Music on Religious Experience: A Study of the Pentecostal-Charismatic Style of Music and Worship " Sage Journals
  • 7. ↑ "'ufis seek ultimate religious experience through mystic trances or altered states of consciousness, often induced through twirling dances " Sufism: New Age Spirituality Dictionary
  • 8. ↑ "'Self-inflicted Pain in Religious Experience " (URL accessed on july 11, 2006)
  • 9. ↑ *Deida, David. Finding God Through Sex ISBN 1-59179-273-8
  • 10. ↑ "'Psychedelics and Religious Experience " Alan Watts (URL accessed on july 11, 2006)
  • 11. ↑ "'Those who think of the salvia experience in religious, spiritual, or mystical terms may speak of such things as enlightenment, satori, and "cleansing the doors of perception." " (URL accessed on august 26, 2007)
  • 12. ↑ "'A Note on the Safety of Peyote when Used Religiously. " Council on Spiritual Practices (URL accessed on july 11, 2006)
  • 13. ↑ "'Drug's Mystical Properties Confirmed " (URL accessed on july 11, 2006)
  • 14. ↑ "'The Psychology of Religion: An Empirical Approach. " Conuncil on Spiritual Practices (URL accessed on july 11, 2006)
  • 15. ↑ Katie, Byron. Loving What Is page xi ISBN 1-4000-4537-1
  • 16. ↑ "'God on the Brain " (URL accessed on March 20, 2003)
  • 17. ↑ "My Stroke of Insight" (URL accessed on July 22008)
  • 18. ↑ Moody, Raymond. Life After Life ISBN 0-06-251739-2