BlitzMax/Módulos: diferenças entre revisões

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Maxtremus (discussão | contribs)
Nova página: ===Módulos=== ====A==== #ACos #ASin #ATan #ATan2 #Abs #Abstract #AddHook #AllocChannel #AllocHookId #And #AppArgs #AppDir #AppFile #AppSuspended #AppTerminate #AppTitle #Asc #Assert...
Maxtremus (discussão | contribs)
Linha 1: Linha 1:

#Audio samples
#Bank streams
#BASIC Compatibility
#Blitz runtime
#BMP loader
#Direct3D7 Max2D
#Endian streams
#Event objects
#Event queue
#File system
#Hook functions
#JPG loader
#Key codes
#LUA Core
#LUA Script Engine
#OGG Loader
#OpenGL 1.1
#OpenGL Graphics
#OpenGL Max2D
#PNG loader
#Polled input
#Ram streams
#Random numbers
#Socket streams
#TGA loader
#WAV loader
#ZLib compression



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Revisão das 21h20min de 9 de dezembro de 2007


  1. Audio
  2. Audio samples
  3. Bank streams
  4. Banks
  5. BASIC Compatibility
  6. Blitz runtime
  7. BMP loader
  8. Direct3D7 Max2D
  9. Endian streams
  10. Event objects
  11. Event queue
  12. File system
  13. GameNet
  14. Graphics
  15. Hook functions
  16. Joystick
  17. JPG loader
  18. Key codes
  19. Lists
  20. LUA Core
  21. LUA Script Engine
  22. Math
  23. Max2D
  24. OGG Loader
  25. OpenGL 1.1
  26. OpenGL Graphics
  27. OpenGL Max2D
  28. Pixmaps
  29. PNG loader
  30. Polled input
  31. Ram streams
  32. Random numbers
  33. Socket streams
  34. Sockets
  35. StandardIO
  36. Streams
  37. System
  38. TGA loader
  39. Timers
  40. WAV loader
  41. ZLib compression



  1. ACos
  2. ASin
  3. ATan
  4. ATan2
  5. Abs
  6. Abstract
  7. AddHook
  8. AllocChannel
  9. AllocHookId
  10. And
  11. AppArgs
  12. AppDir
  13. AppFile
  14. AppSuspended
  15. AppTerminate
  16. AppTitle
  17. Asc
  18. Assert
  19. AutoImageFlags
  20. AutoMidHandle


  1. BankBuff
  2. BankCapacity
  3. BankSize
  4. BigEndianStream
  5. Bin
  6. BindSocket
  7. BufferedD3D7Max2DDriver
  8. Byte


  1. Case
  2. CasedFileName
  3. Catch
  4. Ceil
  5. ChangeDir
  6. CloseFile
  7. CloseGNetHost
  8. CloseGNetObject
  9. CloseGNetPeer
  10. CloseGraphics
  11. CloseSocket
  12. CloseStream
  13. Cls
  14. CollideImage
  15. CollideRect
  16. Confirm
  17. ConnectSocket
  18. Const
  19. Continue
  20. ConvertPixmap
  21. CopyBank
  22. CopyBytes
  23. CopyPixmap
  24. CopyStream
  25. Cos
  26. Cosh
  27. CountGraphicsModes
  28. CountList
  29. CreateAudioSample
  30. CreateBank
  31. CreateBankStream
  32. CreateDir
  33. CreateEvent
  34. CreateFile
  35. CreateGNetHost
  36. CreateGNetMessage
  37. CreateGNetObject
  38. CreateGraphics
  39. CreateImage
  40. CreateList
  41. CreatePixmap
  42. CreateRamStream
  43. CreateSocketStream
  44. CreateStaticAudioSample
  45. CreateStaticBank
  46. CreateStaticPixmap
  47. CreateTCPSocket
  48. CreateTimer
  49. CreateUDPSocket
  50. CueSound
  51. CurrentDate
  52. CurrentDir
  53. CurrentEvent
  54. CurrentTime


  1. D3D7Max2DDriver
  2. DebugLog
  3. DebugStop
  4. DefData
  5. Default
  6. Delay
  7. Delete
  8. DeleteDir
  9. DeleteFile
  10. DottedIP
  11. Double
  12. DrawImage
  13. DrawImageRect
  14. DrawLine
  15. DrawOval
  16. DrawPixmap
  17. DrawPoly
  18. DrawRect
  19. DrawText


  1. EachIn
  2. Else
  3. ElseIf
  4. EmitEvent
  5. EmitEventHook
  6. End
  7. EndExtern
  8. EndFunction
  9. EndGraphics
  10. EndIf
  11. EndMethod
  12. EndRem
  13. EndSelect
  14. EndTry
  15. EndType
  16. EndWhile
  17. Eof
  18. EventData
  19. EventExtra
  20. EventID
  21. EventMods
  22. EventSource
  23. EventSourceHandle
  24. EventText
  25. EventX
  26. EventY
  27. Exit
  28. Exp
  29. Extends
  30. Extern
  31. ExtractDir
  32. ExtractExt


  1. False
  2. Field
  3. FileMode
  4. FileSize
  5. FileTime
  6. FileType
  7. Final
  8. Flip
  9. FlipHook
  10. Float
  11. Floor
  12. FlushKeys
  13. FlushMouse
  14. FlushStream
  15. For
  16. Forever
  17. Framework
  18. Function


  1. GCCollect
  2. GCMemAlloced
  3. GCSetMode
  4. GLAdjustTexSize
  5. GLDrawText
  6. GLGraphics
  7. GLGraphicsDriver
  8. GLMax2DDriver
  9. GLTexFromPixmap
  10. GNetAccept
  11. GNetConnect
  12. GNetListen
  13. GNetMessageObject
  14. GNetMessages
  15. GNetObjectLocal
  16. GNetObjectRemote
  17. GNetObjectState
  18. GNetObjects
  19. GNetPeerTCPSocket
  20. GNetPeerUDPSocket
  21. GNetPeers
  22. GNetSync
  23. GNetTotalBytesIn
  24. GNetTotalByterOut
  25. GetAlpha
  26. GetBlend
  27. GetChar
  28. GetClsColor
  29. GetColor
  30. GetGNetFloat
  31. GetGNetInt
  32. GetGNetString
  33. GetGNetTarget
  34. GetGraphicsMode
  35. GetHandle
  36. GetImageFont
  37. GetLineWidth
  38. GetMaskColor
  39. GetOrigin
  40. GetRotation
  41. GetScale
  42. GetViewport
  43. Global
  44. Goto
  45. GrabImage
  46. GrabPixmap
  47. Graphics
  48. GraphicsDepth
  49. GraphicsFlags
  50. GraphicsHeight
  51. GraphicsHertz
  52. GraphicsModeExists
  53. GraphicsModes
  54. GraphicsWidth


  1. HandleFromObject
  2. HandleToObject
  3. Hex
  4. HideMouse
  5. HostIp
  6. HostIps
  7. HostName


  1. If
  2. ImageHeight
  3. ImageWidth
  4. ImagesCollide
  5. ImagesCollide2
  6. Import
  7. Incbin
  8. IncbinLen
  9. IncbinPtr
  10. Include
  11. Input
  12. Instr
  13. Int


  1. JoyAxisCaps
  2. JoyButtonCaps
  3. JoyCount
  4. JoyDown
  5. JoyHat
  6. JoyName
  7. JoyPitch
  8. JoyR
  9. JoyRoll
  10. JoyU
  11. JoyV
  12. JoyWheel
  13. JoyX
  14. JoyY
  15. JoyYaw
  16. JoyZ


  1. KeyDown
  2. keyHit


  1. LSet
  2. LauchDir
  3. left
  4. Len
  5. ListAddFirst
  6. ListContains
  7. ListFindLink
  8. ListFromArray
  9. ListIsEmpty
  10. ListRemove
  11. ListToArray
  12. LittleEndianStream
  13. LoadAnimImage
  14. LoadAudioSample
  15. LoadBank
  16. LoadByteArray
  17. LoadDir
  18. LoadImage
  19. LoadImageFont
  20. LoadPixmap
  21. LoadPixmapPNG
  22. LoadSound
  23. LoadString
  24. Local
  25. LockImage
  26. Log10
  27. Log
  28. Long
  29. LongBin
  30. LongHex
  31. Lower


  1. MaskPixmap
  2. Max
  3. MemAlloc
  4. MemClear
  5. MemCopy
  6. MemExtend
  7. MemFree
  8. MemMove
  9. Method
  10. Mid
  11. MidHandleImage
  12. MilliSecs
  13. Min
  14. Mod
  15. Module
  16. ModuleInfo
  17. MouseDown
  18. MouseHit
  19. MouseX
  20. MouseY
  21. MouseZ
  22. MoveMouse


  1. New
  2. Next
  3. NextFile
  4. Not
  5. Notify
  6. Null


  1. Object
  2. OnEnd
  3. OpenFile
  4. OpenStream
  5. OpenURL
  6. Or


  1. PauseChannel
  2. PeekByte
  3. PeekDouble
  4. PeekEvent
  5. PeekFloat
  6. PeekInt
  7. PeekLong
  8. PeekShort
  9. Pi
  10. PixmapFormat
  11. PixmapHeight
  12. PixmapPitch
  13. PixmapPixelPtr
  14. PixmapWidth
  15. PixmapWindow
  16. PlaySound
  17. Plot
  18. PokeByte
  19. PokeDouble
  20. PokeFloat
  21. PokeInt
  22. PokeLong
  23. PokeShort
  24. PollEvent
  25. PollSystem
  26. PostEvent
  27. Print
  28. Private
  29. Proceed
  30. Ptr
  31. Public



  1. RSet
  2. Rand
  3. ReadBank
  4. ReadByte
  5. ReadData
  6. ReadDir
  7. ReadDouble
  8. ReadFile
  9. ReadFloat
  10. ReadInt
  11. ReadLine
  12. ReadLong
  13. ReadPixel
  14. ReadShort
  15. ReadStdin
  16. ReadStream
  17. ReadString
  18. RealPath
  19. Release
  20. Rem
  21. RemoveHook
  22. RemoveLink
  23. RenameFile
  24. Repeat
  25. Replace
  26. RequestDir
  27. RequestFile
  28. ResetCollisions
  29. ResizeBank
  30. ResizePixmap
  31. RestoreData
  32. ResumeChannel
  33. Return
  34. ReverseList
  35. Right
  36. Rnd
  37. RndDouble
  38. RndFloat
  39. RndSeed
  40. RunHooks
  41. RuntimeError


  1. Sar
  2. SaveBank
  3. SaveByteArray
  4. SavePixmapPNG
  5. SaveString
  6. ScriptEngine
  7. SeedRnd
  8. SeekStream
  9. Select
  10. Self
  11. SendGNetMessage
  12. SetAlpha
  13. SetBlend
  14. SetChannelDepth
  15. SetChannelPan
  16. SetChannelRate
  17. SetChannelVolume
  18. SetClsColor
  19. SetColor
  20. SetFileMode
  21. SetGNetFloat
  22. SetGNetInt
  23. SetGNetString
  24. SetGNetTarget
  25. SetGraphics
  26. SetGraphicsTarget
  27. SetHandle
  28. SetImageFont
  29. SetImageHandle
  30. SetLineWidth
  31. SetMaskColor
  32. SetOrigin
  33. SetRotation
  34. SetScale
  35. SetTransform
  36. SetViewport
  37. Sgn
  38. Shl
  39. Short
  40. ShowMouse
  41. Shr
  42. Sin
  43. Sinh
  44. SizeOf
  45. SocketAccept
  46. SocketConnected
  47. SocketListen
  48. SocketLocalIP
  49. SocketLocalPort
  50. SocketReadAvail
  51. SocketRemoteIP
  52. SocketRemotePort
  53. SocketStreamSocket
  54. SortList
  55. Sqr
  56. StandardIOStream
  57. Step
  58. StopChannel
  59. StopTimer
  60. StreamPos
  61. StreamSize
  62. Strict
  63. String
  64. StripAll
  65. StripDir
  66. StripExt
  67. StripSlash
  68. Super
  69. SuperStrict
  70. SwapLists


  1. TAudioSample
  2. TAudioSampleLoader
  3. TBank
  4. TBankStream
  5. TCStream
  6. TChannel
  7. TEvent
  8. TIO
  9. TLink
  10. TList
  11. TListEnum
  12. TPixmap
  13. TPixmapLoader
  14. TSound
  15. TStream
  16. TStreamException
  17. TStreamFactory
  18. TStreamReadException
  19. TStreamWrapper
  20. TStreamWriteException
  21. Tan
  22. Tanh
  23. TextHeight
  24. TextWidth
  25. Then
  26. Throw
  27. TileImage
  28. TimerTicks
  29. To
  30. Trim
  31. True
  32. Try
  33. Type


  1. UnlockImage
  2. Until
  3. Upper


  1. Var
  2. Varptr


  1. WaitChar
  2. WaitEvent
  3. WaitKey
  4. WaitMouse
  5. WaitSystem
  6. WaitTimer
  7. Wend
  8. While
  9. WriteBank
  10. WriteByte
  11. WriteDouble
  12. WriteFile
  13. WriteFloat
  14. WriteInt
  15. WriteLine
  16. WriteLong
  17. WritePixel
  18. WriteShort
  19. WriteStderr
  20. WriteStdout
  21. WriteStream
  22. WriteString


  1. XFlipPixmap


  1. YFlipPixmap